The 1 behind 800K 👤
My name is Seth Book, and I am the face behind the name 800K. While the brand identity I continue to build is very important to me, the purpose of it was not full anonymity. I did not want the agency to be self-titled, but something unique that still ties into myself as an artist… even if it just simply looks like my last name.
It is not meant to be a secret that this is a one-person show, transparency is instrumental to my workflow and approach. I take a great deal of pride in my work and the opportunities I have to build long lasting relationships with clients. I love doing the work itself, but the ability to partner with people who share a similar level of passion for the project is the icing on the cake. Building the rapport needed to reach a high level of collaboration comes from understanding personality, background, inspirations and more… I’ll start:
I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and I am a creator passionate about bringing aesthetic beauty and optimization to the visual identity of any brand, organization, or individual.
During my Bachelor of Fine Arts, I was fortunate to experiment with 10+ different forms of art/content creation, and I am excited by exploring unique ways to solve visual and conceptual problems. Throughout my undergraduate degree and Master of Management degree, I sharpened skills in writing, communication, and strategy using a range of opportunities from art history papers to polished reports and case studies.

Working with various brands in the fashion, action sport, and outdoor industries has provided me with impactful experiences in art direction, clothing design & research, headwear design, photography, mass marketing, project management, and event management.
When I am out of the studio, I can be found outdoors cycling or snowboarding with friends and family, playing ice hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, or practicing guitar. I aim to continue traveling to new countries following my most recent trip to Portugal and central Europe with Denmark and Sweden in the queue.
Interested in working together? Now that you know a bit more about me, I’d love to hear about you.